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About Us


RISE Drug Free MKE logo

The goal of the RISE Drug Free MKE coalition is to engage diverse sectors of the community in collaborative, comprehensive and culturally competent mental health and wellness substance (mis)use prevention and environmental change activities that result in a reduction of substance (mis)use and an increase in mental health and wellness in Milwaukee County. The vision is to bring together resources, wisdom, talents, and passion to create a happy and healthy community.

The coalition is governed by an Executive Committee, comprised of:

  • Coalition Chair: Aaron Lipski, Milwaukee Fire Department Chief
  • Vice Chair: Jenzy Walugembe, RISE Drug Free MKE Coordinator
  • Secretary: Jody Rhodes, Neu-Life Community Development Executive Director
  • Treasurer: Hannah Lepper, CA-PPI Training & Technical Assistance Manager
  • Communications Lead: Erika Smith, Light the Hoan Executive Director
  • Subcommittee Chair: Tahira Malik, Samad’s House COO/Founder
    • Mental Health & Wellness Action Team Chair: To Be Filled
    • Substance Use Action Team Chair: Lexi Henn, Vivent Health and Rachael Cooper, Shatterproof  
    • Youth Action Team Chair: Jody Rhodes, Neu-Life Community Development Executive Director
    • Data Action Team Chair: Nicole Fumo, Department of Emergency Medicine in the Medical College of Wisconsin Research Program Director


All RISE Drug Free MKE coalition meetings are open to the public and any interested stakeholders. RISE Drug Free MKE holds full coalition meetings during odd-numbered months and Executive Board meetings monthly. Voting members are individuals who attend at least half of the six annual meetings and have signed a Coalition Involvement Agreement.