Preventing substance misuse starts when kids are young with strong family bonds. In fact, a supportive family environment protects kids from potentially turning to drugs or alcohol instead of healthier options. Here are some resources for family members who want to promote wise choices about their health and wellbeing.

- Community Advocates Milwaukee County Mental Health and Wellness Resource Guide: A directory of resources for behavioral health, treatment, support groups and more for Milwaukee County residents. Updated July 2022.
- Conversation Starters for Preschoolers: From Children's Wisconsin and Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin, these tips help adults engage preschoolers in conversation.
- Conversation Starters for Elementary School-Age Children: From Children's Wisconsin and Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin, these tips help adults engage children in conversation.
- Conversation Starters for Teenagers: From Children's Wisconsin and Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin, these tips help adults engage children in conversation.
- Feelings Thermometer: The Feelings Thermometer is a visual tool that helps you (kids and adults) measure how you are doing emotionally and what steps you can take to shift your mood when things are getting tough. From the Office of Children's Mental Health.
- Five for Families: Learn the 5 Strengths that keep every family strong. While every family has challenges, they also have strengths that they can draw upon during difficult times. Understanding how to build upon your family’s strengths in five essential areas can help you feel more confident, less stressed and better connected to your children. From the Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board.
- Cinco para Familias / Five for Families: Hay 5 fortalezas que hacen que una familia sea fuerte. Si bien cada familia tiene dificultades, también tiene fortalezas a las que pueden recurrir durante los momentos complicados. Comprender cómo desarrollar las fortalezas de su familia en cinco áreas esenciales puede ayudarlo a sentirse más confiado, menos estresado y mejor conectado con sus hijos.
- Mental Health Crisis Card: The Mental Health Crisis Card tells people who are with a youth, or adult, experiencing a mental health crisis what to do immediately, in the first five minutes, to de-escalate the situation. The card is completed by the person carrying it and includes calming strategies and what works and what hurts in crisis situations. From the Office of Children's Mental Health.
- Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division: Information on programs and services for Milwaukee Country residents of all ages who need help with mental health and substance use issues. If you're in crisis, call 414-257-7222.
- Strengthening Family Ties: A Workbook of Activities Designed to Strengthen Family Relationships from Utah State University Extension.
- Wisconsin Office of Children's Mental Health: The Office of Children's Mental Health (OCMH) supports Wisconsin's children in achieving their optimal mental health and well-being.