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If you want to be in the know about how RISE Drug Free MKE partners are creating change in Milwaukee County, you’ve come to the right place.

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While summer is associated with good times at the beach, music festivals, and backyard cookouts, it can be difficult to acknowledge that you may be struggling with your emotions. There is pressure to constantly be active and engaged in the community that many forget to relax, recuperate and reflect. If you are having a difficult time, mentally and emotionally, please take it as your sign to do a mid-summer mental health check-in.

With just a month left of summer, it’s time to take advantage of all it has to offer. Check out these fun ideas to celebrate the end of the sunshine season!

If you have something or some time to give, consider doing so today. Here’s a list of easy ways you can give something away today.

Farmers markets have so much more to offer than just the sights and smells. The following is a list of just a few reasons you should visit your local farmers market this summer.

Planning an Independence Day party shouldn’t have to be stressful. We’ve compiled a list of everything you need—from food to activities—to throw a bash your friends will rave about.

June is Pride Month, which celebrates equality for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning or Queer (LGBTQ+) community, and the City of Milwaukee Tobacco Free Alliance is providing extra focus on the heavy burden that smoking and vaping has had on LGTBQ+ individuals.

If you’re looking for a way to get outside while also improving your whole self, gardening may be the hobby for you.

You know volunteering has a positive influence (make friends, build connections, gain experiences, etc.), but did you know that it can actually assist your health?

There are always ways to give back to others around you, even including the presents you buy. Here are some ideas for Father’s Day gifts that give back.

With the help of a bicycle, we can take better care of the environment, our physical bodies and even spend time together. So how can you mark this momentous occasion?

Memorial Day means much more than time off from work and hosting a barbecue, so if you want to get involved this weekend, check out these great ways to give back.

Art galleries are a beneficial component of any neighborhood. Check out some of these ways art galleries are important and why you should visit them this summer.

If you’re new to the tea game, here’s a breakdown of some of the main types of healthy teas and why you should start drinking them right away.

Storytelling is powerful, and it has enormous benefits in store for you and those around you. Today we’re going to talk about how storytelling can impact your life.

May Day is a time to come together with family and friends and create festive crafts. If you’re looking for a way to get started, check out these 5 cool craft ideas to celebrate.

Whether it’s a few hours or a long commitment, volunteering not only supports those around you, but positively influences you as well. Here’s six ideas to get started.

The next time you are drinking alcohol, pay attention to how much you consume. Then ask yourself if you are drinking in moderation or if you are binge drinking. You might be surprised by the answer.

The arts play a vital role in our society. In fact, without the arts, much of our history, expression and culture would be virtually nonexistent.

Meditation is powerful. If you’re unsure whether or not the practice is worth looking into, check out these top ways meditation can help improve your life.

Turns out, regular writing and keeping a journal actually has a lot of surprising mental and emotional health benefits. Today, we’re going to check them out.

Despite their age, children can have a powerful impact in the community, if only we encourage them to do so. Here are four reasons kids should start volunteering young.

Gardening not only brings in beautiful colors, scents and foods to your home, but it has added benefits just for you. Here are some reasons you should plant a garden this season.

By going green, we create a better environment for ourselves and future generations. Check out these easy ways you can live an altruistic—and green—lifestyle.

RISE Drug Free MKE coalition partners, with the support of Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services, is presenting Light & Unite Red Week from March 18 to March 24, in conjunction with National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week.

This Women’s History Month, get involved by showing support for the women in your community. Check out these ways you can remember powerful women from history, while advocating for women today.

When it comes to supporting local business, there’s more to it than helping the community; it supports you too. Check out these reasons why going local helps you out in the long run.

There are ways we can challenge ourselves to grow in empathy. If you want to learn more, check out these tips for how to cultivate more empathy for others.

What if you could live with more compassion this week and share love with other people in your community, country or even the world? Turns out, you can!

During Black History Month, let's reflect on the invaluable strengths within our community and culture. These strengths should be passed down to younger generations. As adults, we bear the responsibility of upholding these protective factors, while lovingly guiding our youth to decide not to use alcohol and drugs to cope with the stresses of life.

Give yourself and your loved ones the greatest gift this American Heart Month by focusing on making heart-healthy decisions towards a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Community Advocates Public Policy Institute invites proposals from not-for-profit organizations or government entities servicing Milwaukee County to provide programming and services directed toward the prevention of alcohol and other drug use and misuse among Milwaukee County residents of all ages.

It can sometimes be difficult to consider how exactly to recognize Black History Month. What can you do? Here are six ideas for honoring Black History Month.

It’s that time in January when those who made New Year's resolutions might be struggling, and those who didn’t make resolutions might be wondering if it’s too late to get on it. Here are some tips for completing Dry January and quitting smoking cigarettes.

Self-defeating thoughts can come when we least expect them and tear down our self-esteem and break our spirits. So how can we stand up to them and choose joy instead? Check out these 5 ways!

The art of meeting new people, and establishing new relationships, is a genuine skill. And, you don’t even have to be a social butterfly to master it!

For a limited time, The Wisconsin Quitline is offering more free medication for Wisconsin residents looking to quit using tobacco. Learn more in this blog post.

Fortunately, recent studies have shown that volunteering with people (or a cause you care about) can actually mitigate depression and anxiety issues.

When it comes to vape safety, don't let commercial tobacco companies confuse you with smoke and mirrors. Learn more about the risks of vaping and how you can quit, today.

Positivity is key to creating an altruistic lifestyle in the New Year. If you want to start 2024 off on a high note, check out these tips for living a positive life this year.

Learn more about Dry January and the benefits that a month of being alcohol free can provide you. Plus, learn more about the growing trend of sober living and how you can still enjoy a fun and full lifestyle without drinking.

If you’re ready for fun and flurries this winter season, check out some of these great winter wonderland adventures to try with your family.

Learn more about responsible drinking this holiday season and about sober alternatives.

We’ve compiled a list just for you on last minute gift ideas that give back. Try some of these out to celebrate the holidays more altruistically this year.

Do you want more opportunities to give to your community? We’ve compiled a list of holiday fundraiser ideas to get involved in yourself or with other altruistic causes.

As we dive into the season of giving this month, let’s explore how the very action of giving can lead to a more altruistic life, improve our mood and even makes us happy.

Singing with others has numerous health benefits for your body and mind. Here are a few ways to be healthier and happier with music in your life.

Seasonal Affective Disorder can hit Milwaukeeans particularly hard because of the harsh temperatures, heavy snowfall, and less natural sunlight, which keep many folks inside their homes, socially isolated, and not physically active. 

Gratitude is about more than taking a second to say “Thanks.” Gratitude shows true appreciation. This Thanksgiving, we have some ideas for how you can give gratitude.

On November 25th, support your local businesses and discover hidden gems in your town.

This month looks at the world through the eyes of a child, so today we look at how you can recognize National Child Safety and Protection Month, and keep the children in your life safe.