Tobacco Quit Line Offers Eight Weeks of Free Medications
Free meds quadrupled in time for New Year’s Resolutions
(Milwaukee, Wis.)—The Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line is offering more free medications for all Wisconsinites who want to rethink their tobacco use. The Quit Line has long sent a free two-week starter kit of nicotine patches, lozenges, or gum for eligible tobacco users. But beginning January 1, the Quit Line will offer eight weeks of free medication to support New Year's resolutions. The offer is available for a limited time only.
People can register for confidential Quit Line services 24/7 in any of three ways: call 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669), text READY to 34191, or visit WIQuitLine.org.
"Now's the perfect time to think about changing your relationship with tobacco," said Charlie Leonard, coordinator of the City of Milwaukee Tobacco-Free Alliance. "You can reach out to the Quit Line and go at your own pace."
Expert quit coaches invite people who smoke, vape, or chew tobacco to think about quitting or changing their tobacco use. They develop an individualized plan to support the person to reach their goals on their own timeline. "Our coaches are friendly, welcoming, and don't judge," said Leonard.
The Quit Line offers tips for changing tobacco use, such as:
• Consider asking people not to smoke or vape around you because it's a trigger for urges.
• Alcohol can trigger your urge to smoke or vape, so avoid it.
• Drink water. It can help get you through urges.
• Schedule fun things to keep your mind off tobacco.
• Keep your hands and mouth busy. Try carrots, straws, pretzel sticks, or gum.
• Take deep breaths. You'd do so while smoking; now take healthy breaths without the negativity.
• Exercise. Schedule walks with a friend.
• Reduce stress-take a warm bath, get more sleep.
• Remind yourself that cravings will soon pass.
• Remind yourself why you are changing your tobacco use.
• Plan a trip with the money you'll save by smoking or vaping less.